Too Many Hobbies and So Little Time!!!

Home is where the toys are.

*The Model Gallery

*Current Projects

*My Aquariums


With hobbies like these I never have to wonder about bags under my eyes!!!!!













Model Gallery

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These are some of my creations 

This diorama took me over three years to collect, paint and then construct. It is 3'Lx1'Hx1.5'H. It contains three predators, 6 aliens and 21 alien eggs. If you push the skull in the middle of the base a predator roars. (recorder located underneath the base)..















Current Projects 

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I started this project about four months ago. I have always loved off the wall versions of werewolves, vampires and Frankenstein and that's how this got started. Now it's gotten a bit out of control..

Models under construction:    

maggot zombie, biostein, unnamable,  Moonsinger, Van Helsing, and 4x2 foot base   



The Van Helsing model I got from frontier and will sit on the rotating Turntable in the center,,,still have to run those wires... 















My Aquariums 

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At Home: I have a 75 gal reef and a 29 gal Chaulerpa At work: 40 gal ciclid, 55 gal eel tank (3) 40 gal reef  as a part of a grant that I am working it's website is still under construction...

Picture 1


75 gallon



*ETS reef devil sump and skimmer combo, 

*CPR skimmer box with aqualifter

*4" DSB

*100 pounds of Live Rock

Circulation  "Over 800 GPH"

* Rio 20HP back into the tank                                                          

*rio 110 pump "behind the LR"

*1200 maxi jet,                                                                                                                   

*oscillating power head above


*(4) 96 watt PC (2)hamilton actinic (2) coralife 10K,                                                                        

*(2) moonlights

Live stock:

20 blue legged crabs, 15 scarlets, 

24 snail Sp unknown, 3 big Mexican turbos          

* 1 purple pseudochromis                                                                                       

* 1 yellow tang,                                                                                                                                                     *brittlestar,                                                                                                                                                                      *  white sand sifting  seastar                                                                                                   

(2) damsels for cycling reasons only but I cant catch them to pull them out...


(1) Kenyan tree,                                                                                                                         

(1) finger leather                                                                                                                        

(2) rocks of green buttons                                                                                                                                

(2) rocks of yellow polyps (MIA)                                                                                            

(2) rock of mixed Zoanthids with some hitchhiking sponges                                                                   and an unknown coral Bottom left of picture 3

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" It must be nice to have so  much extra time on your hands"!!!!     

#1 Yes it is

#2 You can cram a lot in a thirty hour day.

#3 When you are sleeping, I'm playing